ExtrasBatchImagesRequest: {
    codeformer_visibility?: number;
    codeformer_weight?: number;
    extras_upscaler_2_visibility?: number;
    gfpgan_visibility?: number;
    imageList: FileData[];
    resize_mode?: 0 | 1;
    show_extras_results?: boolean;
    upscale_first?: boolean;
    upscaler_1?: string;
    upscaler_2?: string;
    upscaling_crop?: boolean;
    upscaling_resize?: number;
    upscaling_resize_h?: number;
    upscaling_resize_w?: number;

Type declaration

  • Optional codeformer_visibility?: number

    Sets the visibility of CodeFormer, values should be between 0 and 1.

  • Optional codeformer_weight?: number

    Sets the weight of CodeFormer, values should be between 0 and 1.

  • Optional extras_upscaler_2_visibility?: number

    Sets the visibility of secondary upscaler, values should be between 0 and 1.

  • Optional gfpgan_visibility?: number

    Sets the visibility of GFPGAN, values should be between 0 and 1.

  • imageList: FileData[]

    List of images to work on. Must be Base64 strings

  • Optional resize_mode?: 0 | 1

    Sets the resize mode: 0 to upscale by upscaling_resize amount, 1 to upscale up to upscaling_resize_h x upscaling_resize_w.

  • Optional show_extras_results?: boolean

    Should the backend return the generated image?

  • Optional upscale_first?: boolean

    Should the upscaler run before restoring faces?

  • Optional upscaler_1?: string

    The name of the main upscaler to use, it has to be one of this list:

  • Optional upscaler_2?: string

    The name of the secondary upscaler to use, it has to be one of this list:

  • Optional upscaling_crop?: boolean

    Should the upscaler crop the image to fit in the chosen size?

  • Optional upscaling_resize?: number

    By how much to upscale the image, only used when resize_mode=0.

  • Optional upscaling_resize_h?: number

    Target height for the upscaler to hit. Only used when resize_mode=1.

  • Optional upscaling_resize_w?: number

    Target width for the upscaler to hit. Only used when resize_mode=1.